Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Paris Day 5

The adventure starts here.

I wanted to do some major shopping while in Paris, but Champs-Elysees was a little too rich for my blood. So, Harrison found the perfect place:: Rue du Commerce! This street was full of affordable boutiques, bakeries and restaurants!

I shopped til I dropped! I scored my friends and family lots of goodies. I also picked up a beautiful mustard yellow leather purse. We had lunch and dessert here, as well! It was a great day!

For our last evening in Paris, Harrison bought us dinner and a show at Moulin Rouge. 
That was the most incredible show I've ever seen! The solo acts between sets were amazing, too! My favorite was a roller-skating couple that did amazing acrobatics on a small, circular, wooden platform. 
We met a nice couple from New Zealand that were sitting beside us. Her and I were gasping and oohing and awwwing at the show! We had such a blast! 

And that concludes our whirlwind, amazing, awe-inspiring trip! I miss Europe so much! I loved it there and can't wait to go back! I would definitely live in London! 
I would need to learn French to live in Paris. But, a girl can dream.... 

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